Tuesday, November 21, 2017

how to i saved 1, 700 on elecricity,gas and mineral water in one month.

1.  i  bought  scalar energy   chips  worth  335   at   www.ourhousebiz.com/momchola
2.  i  placed  the  scalar chips  end to end  of   my elecric  outlet
3.  i  used electricity to cook . i  did   not  buy lpg.
4.   i boiled water for drinking  to save   money for buying  mineral  water.
5.   the scalar chip at H.O.U.S.E.  is  also  a    BUSINESS THAT PAYS  50 PESOS  FOR EVERY ITEM   YOU SELL. if  you  sell  10 chips a day it will make  you  15,000  a  month